
character had to be removed from being a favorite

Attempting to enter arena or anywhere results in loading but never progressing anywhere. Wont let me update says data corupted.

I'll be back in a month to check. please revise bug and have connect with google plus or facebook account.this occur have manny account have broken. finish entire game just because of FFXIV Gil the insufficient energy...The gameplay is good just the problem i mentioned above and probably a friend thing is needed just in case pvp with friends?

Anyone able to tell what floor the scavenging ends at? The 2nd scavenge hunt. Was wondering that myself. Better not be 60 like the others at 10 stamana a pop. Think thats a bit steep what happened to 8.

Finally found the problem - character had to be removed from being a favorite - then had to exit the game & go back in before it would let me promote.

The hardcore collector thing the rate and amount is terrible if the rate is low increase the amount thn make our effort worth =.= i farmed 6 to 7 times just to get 2 core lol.

