
thoughts of FFXV

 Paying for an emote when i already have to PAY TO PLAY? Gross.  Jonathan Ellis, no, subs pay for continued game support.
Having a cash shop for certain items is fine, but for stupid little things like an emote? The problem isn't the cash shop, the problem is the halfwits buying shite like this which encourages them to find new ways of milking money from plebs.  Monika Carette Girard, you have a complete lack of understanding of the term "expect something for free". Cheap FFXIV Gil That refers to getting things with little to no effort. These kinds of things should be locked behind quests, not a cash shop.  Oh no a non essential glamour item is chargeable. The fiends. May as well give up savage now cause you're not clearing without this single optional item .

So Jonathan, what if they started putting the pvp stuff in the cash shop, would that be ok? They only appeal to a section of the player base, quite a lot of people don't do pvp so why not put that in there? The point is, it doesn't matter whether they are only cosmetic items, because there is a section of the player base those things matter to, that affects their enjoyment of the game and they alone are being penalised. Should people who don't participate in pvp have their subs reduced so they can spend the left over on "optional" cosmetic stuff? You have to treat your whole player base EQUALLY or they will feel singled out and leave, just as I did.

Do people really get so mad about one OPTIONAL emote in the cash shop that they really don't need lol? **sigh** this year alone we had 2 emotes given to us (dote/songbird), new years head pieces and Cheap FFXIV Gil housing items, GARO PVP event with new gear, New outfit from little ladies day event and housing items. SE is giving you PLENTY of unessential freebies. Stop crying over 2 paid emotes that dropped on the shop. They are unessential and SE hasn't stopped giving you freebies. Darius Lysandre I'm interested to hear your thoughts of FFXV with that logic..

Meh, I can see both sides of the coin. It is silly, but not game breaking. I will keep playing with or without the emote. Either buy them or don't, but stop acting like a whiny little bitch. This is a lot of fuss over a cosmetic item and what is pretty much the cost of a Venti Latte.  How about you get a job that pays well enough to afford it? It's 7 bucks, thats the cost of a lunch.  Or youre mad you can't afford any of them.  Because these things couldn't have just been added to the game... maybe behind a small quest? No no no... $7 a pop for emotes. That's disgusting, Square. What makes it sting worse is that in the last event they had they just used a pre-existing emote and added a particle effect onto it. (the /blowkiss emote onto /dote.)

