
It's still not gonna work for Balmung

I just wish you had put more than 90 a ward. Even if sub gets 90 more, it's still not anywhere near for places like Balmung.Oh well. Parking at the spot a'hoy because my character needs an apartment ICly. 6480 appartments per server thats not to bad for a start. And people with a house likely won't go for an apartment.

 It's still not gonna work for Balmung..  6480 is still way to small for high pop servers. Balmung won't be the only one with the problem. And Kyleen, yes they will. Give them a reason to not besides "being fair" because the system already isn't, so why should they? Nobody cares about Balmung. Buy FFXIV Gil It's not just Balmung. Any high pop is fucked.

FC houses have a 512 personal room limit.Apartments sound like FC mansion with copy pasted lobbies and stables. If so they can always more apartments per ward if they need to. The only reason they don't right off the bat is to probably prevent the entire server from going to the Mist on day one. FFXIV Gil 90 in main ward and 90 in sub ward, making 180. Each ward has them, meaning 180*12 making 2160. 3 housing locations makes 6480.

If it's to prevent goign on day one, how does 90 make it better? Players will rush to try and sneak one of the rooms, instead of thinking of taking their sweet time. Where did you get 6480? 90 apartments per building times 3 areas would be 24 apartment buildings per area. I haven't seen any info reflecting that.

