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strongarm arcane aninimations available solomen's general store
Hey I bought the arcane fishing one and it's pretty cool, but the water trail is way too short. It's not even half the distance to our hands.
Is it possible to tweak this a bit so the water trail is longer?
If you remember the June BTS, they ARE working on an update for the loyalty store.
And adding new rewards in the store, before updating it, is quite pointless at the moment. It already takes runescape accounts for sale being member for 18 years to unlock everything! These look interesting....I'd no doubt get some of them if they were about 100 coins less, or half price. Ah well, maybe later if there happens to be something that truly makes me throw my wallet at my computer monitor and there are coins left over..
Tempted to get one of the resting animations, doing push-ups seems pretty amusing. The arcane resting looks pretty cool sell runescape accounts too.
This animations actually look good based on the concept art. It's a shame I'm not made of money and wouldn't waste any on such overpriced cosmetics. Paying for membership is more than enough money I should be wasting. squid cape and seaweed hair were free since the summer jagex.
I know ur greedy so thats why u wont give any cool items for free.
yay page to and I like these animations won't get unless free probably but really those items that were given for free already ug.