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enjoy diablo 3
ok to put and end to this theme.... i described WHAT I THINK THIS GAME NEEDS TO HAVE TO BE FUN to play.... read up please ! And i see now that blizzard knew what they were doing, when they satisfied 30 people that still play diablo3.Ok enjoy your game, i know i won't be buying expansion, unless they make it for normal people and not brain dead. Yes, diablo2 had its kind of customization ( you could make wizzard on 20 different builds, or any other class for that matter ) , no it wasnt only one viable that's BS.... i did with all classes hell shitload of times with many different builds.Anyway we can write here for days, i think i had the right to say what i think would make Diablo3 a good game and worthy of playing. Although, to tell you the truth, i don't think i am going to play anymore at all, sold all my gear on RMAH and made myself a profit, cheers enjoy diablo 3.
I like the "us versus them" part. "If you play D3 you're brain dead buy Diablo 3 account." Classy. Also, min-maxing is a dead end when a patch comes in to nerf your skills.
Oh look another diablo post, lets post an original and never before said hate/ criticism here to make me look cool and original.
dont you get it? adding themes doesnt increase game replay (100 levels of paragon sell Diablo 3 account are proof of this), the skill tree is garbage
Dressed to kill? Creating a themed character? We can't dye legendaries, there is no customization at all. Most good players have all legendaries, we have to look the way you want us to. We can't change voice/face/hair style color. We weren't asking for much cheap Diablo 3 gold , is this the 90s or something? Really pathetic. (I have 600 hours of playtime, the game is ok at best but has no endgame or pvp) so it's dead to me.