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Runescape is getting too easy
Jagex need to hire an employee whose sole job will be to weigh up the benefits and losses of each new idea - and I'm assuming by the track record that they have yet to already employ someone for this function.
Seriously, did anybody sit down and think about this update and what it does for the game? The whole BTS felt very cavalier, as if you saw the update as straightforward filler between more sizable content buy runescape account.
This is sizable from a gameplay perspective. We already have enough lodestones in Gilienor making other transportation methods usless and just a wayste of money. No matter how you gonna improve them, lodestones are OP now. I have loved most of runescapes updates recently - but yes, this clearly is inbalanced.
At the very least quests with "transport rewards" need new rewards buy runescape accounts.
And the world needs to get bigger!I think that some areas must be with out lodestones. It's to make the game interesting and more challenging.
This will further devalue the useless - and they are that - city teleport spells and continue the crusade to make the game easier & easier.Very helpful but to be honest I dislike this update. Virtually every travel item, spell, and tool in the entire game is now useless. Bad, bad, bad idea. I don't sell rs accounts even know what the motivation for this could have been. There's just no way to construe this as a good idea.
Runescape is getting too easy in my opinion.this is great update, why ppl wants to have difficulties to travel around world if u already have visited the place once. and looking forward to new boss.