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new boss arrives in Runescape
If u think about it items are still useful as a faster teleport. For example with the new canifis lodestone u can go from there to port phasmatys but using ectophial is still faster so items r still useful. I dont see why people are complaining about loadstones sell runescape accounts.
Loadstones are placed in inconvenient places in the town that doesn't help.
Making teleport items still just as valuable.
more lodestones
Good news: 6th Age Info BTS and new boss that hopefully drops level 90 mage gear BTS next week.
Not about Lodestones, but since the video was titled "Transport Update" on the homepage, here's a suggestion you should really implement cheap runescape accounts:
Make it so transportation methods like Fairy Rings and Gnome Gliders don't work on a central hub. Just pop up the three letter code interface immediately when a player activates a Fairy Ring without having to tele to Zanaris first. Same for Gliders and the Grand Tree Runescape accounts selling.
I have to agree with those that think there are already too many loadstones. Some of us worked very hard to get certain items or specific levels so we could use teleport spells. Now I rarely use a teleport spell at all. All that work for nothing. Why do you feel that you have to tailor the game to those that don't want to work at it or to those that only want player killing? I have played to long and am too close to some goals to quit now, but this game sure isn't that much fun anymore. To those that will say "then don't play" read the previous statement. The way the game is progressing, eventually all you will have to do to level up is log on, "****" everyone is now max levels.