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go back to the kitchen
Name:go back to the kitchen
Description:cook a cave moray
Levels required to complete:90
Other content required (if known) sell runescape accounts
Name:i made your trap
Description:make a Grave creeper trap
Levels required to complete:90
Other content required (if known) buy runescape accounts
Name:you will never escape
Description: trap a Tyrannomastyx
Levels required to complete:90 hunter
Other content required (if known)
Name:Natural capital
Description:mining a Promethium ore
Levels required to complete:90 mining sell rs accounts
Other content required (if known)
Name:you never know,untill you need it
Description:make a Promethium hatchet & pickaxe
Levels required to complete:92 smiting
Other content required (if known)