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Blizzard have issued frequent rounds of Diablo 3 accounts
Over the last year, Blizzard have issued frequent rounds of Diablo 3 accounts ans for cheating in Diablo III,
just Always say hi to everyone, and if someone is staying with you the whole time in game its a bot. and if you find out just report for botting. i think its the best thing to do.Except that it actually has no effect on you as a player whatsoever. Just plau the game. Simple as that. The game is not about worrying and being jealous about other people, that's just a problem YOU have, it's not the point of the game. Who cares if other people are investing time and money into the game to make stronger characters? Has zero effect on you and your enjoyment of the game, unless you make it a huge issue in your mind.
I almost never use the AH, and I still enjoy the game like many others Diablo 3 items for sale. It's personal opinion, not a law or fact. YOU care about the AH. YOUR personal enjoyment is effected by it. The same is not true for everyone else, and Is tand as an example of this.Last time I checked, conforming to the norm was being a tool. o.0 lol. The only hack I desire is to make room creation like they had in D2 lol.
The main difference its content has when compared to platinum guide things is that coping with amount 80 isn't really required or possibly a need to in order to attain this golden indicate.
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