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"LampSwap" si good for getting some Marid pieces
This will be an epic opportunity for Akhet to get some Marid pieces. :D
I gots a hefty haul-ish of the other pieces, hopefully will have something to interest others enough in parting with their blue bits. ^_^
Now, the major problem: remembering about the event. My mind is like a sieve. T-T
*Plasters what little that's visibly left on the desk with sticky notes*
Yay, pleased you'll find it useful! Expect the chat to liven up after 10pm BST, as we're putting the word out on our social networking channels around then. Then you should have lots of people to arrange swaps with ! :D
I was just thinking actually, maybe we should pick a world for people to actually swap on? The location has to be by Jasper, in Al Kharid, right? Good plan/great plan?
"LampSwap" is the friend chat right? Kind of empty when I sell rs accounts entered it...