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E3 2013 in downtown Los Angeles
First question:Why haven't you fixed diablo 3 yet.
Second Question:Why haven't you apologized with Warcraft 4
Because they ruined the series
Why would you think that cheap d3 gold? We should get an updated Warcraft RTS, it doesn't have to involve the main story line at all and we need an apology for diablo 3 and the HoTS campaign
So many whiny spoiled brats have this page liked. I'm glad D3 was a disappointment to you entitled slobs. You didn't deserve a good game anyway.
Why are you re-releasing our CE exclusives? D3 is the only game I have ever bought in CE selling Diablo 3 account and now it's for nothing because the exclusive content is no longer exclusive.
They made some really good changes to the game but they waited too long to release them. The bonuses for being in full parties help with lvling and drop rates. My only problem is they should have made 2 desperate games with 1 for PC much like D2 with 8 player games, hostiling d3 account, random generated maps. And the one they have now for the consoles.
Hey Diablo fans. Sorry to see your favorite game has gone down the tubes....Well gone down even further. Anyways, you should check out Path of Exile when installing D2, GGG actually cares about their fans.
You аre a veгy clever individual!
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