This trailer proves that there's WAY more things going on in the story than we've been led to believe I would hope so!!! After 14 years of waiting! It's looking fantastic!! This is gonna be the best game ever! #SorryFFVII we still love you but....No more words for this...#We Are Ready To Play FFXV. I agree!!!! Since 1997 until 11.30.2016!!! The voice talking to King Regis sounds exactly like Bhunivelze.Gonna watch it later..need headphones and a break from work to enjoy lol... Looks so gorgeous .
32 days to go, i wish i have a time machine now lol so i can skip the 32 days in front of me like in a blink Please live up to our expectations,don't disappoint us.. FFXIV Gil I Think I will die in the agony of the wait... FFXV finally completed. You can release it now then, don't really have to wait until the end of next month. IS this guy a decendant of Zack Fair.. Cuz they have an awfully good resemblence to each other.. looks like the protagonist isn't so stereotypical like that.
Just realised the whole thing with his da is basically the arthurian legend of the fisher king. Just give us the FUCKIN GAME! We've waited long enough! hell yeah! damn game keeps blowing my mind! Buy FFXIV Gil im there if you do a midnight! im just counting down these weeks. not to much longer. i keep finding stuff every other day about the game that just gets me more hype lol. You and me both dude, I still need to watch the anime and the movie.
Bryan Nuno get this game on xbox one. Took more than 7+ years to make. I cannot wait until my collector edition arrive at my doorstep. Jaime Mateo Garcia Del Toro just hope the game live up to its expectation. I cried watching this video . It's lil bit like FF versus, most in the Luna and Noctis fight :') this game is quite dank. Harambe would be proud. this game is quite dank. Harambe would be proud. Whats the name of the song in the very beginning, when noctis is at the gas station? Or is that an original song from the game?
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BnS is P2W like Ch servers
Cobsidering revelation will be a much bigger, better and a more interesting game its unlikey many who play it will quit like they have bns since bns doesnt have much to offer. Doesn't help when a company constantly fucks around like ncsoft. Mishelle. that's wonderful. Would you like a cookie? The trailer isnt my cup of tea since i've played too many games that seem pretty similar to it Buy Blade and Soul Gold . But you have merely solidified my comment earlier.
I can almost bet money that you'll get bored of it and do the same thing that you're doing to BNS to Revelation. lol revlation is boring as hell all you do i grind quest to lv up ther is no realy mobs that give exp at all and lving up is so easy and then you got stop lving to get you gear up as well .. and the pvp is only in big scale no 1v 1 or anythink so yah revleation is not that great ..
i don't believe the hype anymore. Cheap Blade and Soul Gold I'll wait until the game goes into open beta. also revelation is p2w like ch server. How did u get to plays already? it won't be out til 25th. Ebony Ledbetter Moore china server there is eng patch. I bought the founder pack. I stil can't plays beta til 25th. I would like to know u get to plays way before everyone. People were saying "BnS is P2W like Ch servers" too before it launched! : No one will know till it's out fully... and even then changes will be made.
Ebony we play in the China sever. U have to have a friend from China as they are big time into verification codes (which can only be done via phone)...n I agree the r.o is slightly over hyped but they are changing things to fit our life style in N/A so I'm still excited for it even if the China version is a bit strenuous mainly cuz all the lvl 79 ppl n language barriers. thnx for info man i was waiting for revelation Online but good to know the game isn't that great.
I can almost bet money that you'll get bored of it and do the same thing that you're doing to BNS to Revelation. lol revlation is boring as hell all you do i grind quest to lv up ther is no realy mobs that give exp at all and lving up is so easy and then you got stop lving to get you gear up as well .. and the pvp is only in big scale no 1v 1 or anythink so yah revleation is not that great ..
i don't believe the hype anymore. Cheap Blade and Soul Gold I'll wait until the game goes into open beta. also revelation is p2w like ch server. How did u get to plays already? it won't be out til 25th. Ebony Ledbetter Moore china server there is eng patch. I bought the founder pack. I stil can't plays beta til 25th. I would like to know u get to plays way before everyone. People were saying "BnS is P2W like Ch servers" too before it launched! : No one will know till it's out fully... and even then changes will be made.
Ebony we play in the China sever. U have to have a friend from China as they are big time into verification codes (which can only be done via phone)...n I agree the r.o is slightly over hyped but they are changing things to fit our life style in N/A so I'm still excited for it even if the China version is a bit strenuous mainly cuz all the lvl 79 ppl n language barriers. thnx for info man i was waiting for revelation Online but good to know the game isn't that great.
BnS new dungeon Ebondrake Citadel
I just walked in with no idea how to do it and everyone was yelling at me. Like I literally just logged into the update. People must be buying resets if they are so well educated on it. Otherwise I am just slower. It's very easy and not much to mess up, I don't know why people have a stick up their butt about it. Max look me up " peprica" Lunar Strength Our clan is super nice and we dont mind waiting for you usually. Maybe a good clan would help some of your woes. oh if your on our server onmyung.
Miranda Carie Cunningham Thanks, but I'm not. Blade and Soul Gold Then with the client giving me most of my grief these days, I'm pretty much just logging in for the daily dash these days anyhow. Just hard to enjoy something when it performs so badly, while other games I also enjoy perform so much better.
Only thing really giving me hope for B&S now is that maybe, MAYBE, that upcoming 64 bit client will actually mean we have a better client, with less apparent conflicts, Buy Blade and Soul Gold so it performs better on more systems. No telling how long that will take to get here though, or if it will actually help. It's annoying, as this would be a game I'd like, if it weren't for such issues. So i saw someone at xserver looking 650+ for this dungeon... I was like "is he planning to outdps poh in the last boss?"
Looks like people don't bother reading. It fcking says in the dungeon requirements "level 16". People just want to dps with no brain. All i can think about is getting disconnected as soon as i get online to see event. Maybe i'll play something else instead. Fix the bug first plz, i was so looking forward when i downloaded the game. Now it just keep disconnecting from the server every time i loading to new map. This never happened to me in any other games.
Miranda Carie Cunningham Thanks, but I'm not. Blade and Soul Gold Then with the client giving me most of my grief these days, I'm pretty much just logging in for the daily dash these days anyhow. Just hard to enjoy something when it performs so badly, while other games I also enjoy perform so much better.
Only thing really giving me hope for B&S now is that maybe, MAYBE, that upcoming 64 bit client will actually mean we have a better client, with less apparent conflicts, Buy Blade and Soul Gold so it performs better on more systems. No telling how long that will take to get here though, or if it will actually help. It's annoying, as this would be a game I'd like, if it weren't for such issues. So i saw someone at xserver looking 650+ for this dungeon... I was like "is he planning to outdps poh in the last boss?"
Looks like people don't bother reading. It fcking says in the dungeon requirements "level 16". People just want to dps with no brain. All i can think about is getting disconnected as soon as i get online to see event. Maybe i'll play something else instead. Fix the bug first plz, i was so looking forward when i downloaded the game. Now it just keep disconnecting from the server every time i loading to new map. This never happened to me in any other games.