Guy gamers will never understand. That makes no sense. Said every guy ever when it came to a girl. If one outfit brings you back to the game, you're playing for the wrong reason. FFXIV Gil Why are people so agitated by this? I'm going to give you the warcraft-esque repose here: were probably better off without you, with that attitude.
Abbie Dee I have like no idea...I find it amusing tbh Michael Mendoza there is no wrong or right reason for playing the game I enjoy rpg games that have a wide selection of armours and clothes for my character to wear I love Rinoa and Rikku outfit they are the most memorial characters for me and I think mixing and matching their outfits would be fun.
Nicole B. Wow how adult of you. Buy FFXIV Gil As if the free time weren't enough. Give me more free stuff. Lol smh. Some people need to teach their children to be grateful. I'm actually laughing right now about how my choice is effecting people. Live and let live. Peace out. moving on. The reason I quit was because of the no life, toxic community, youre honestly better off without the game.
Well, there's a Rikku minion for US fan fest attendees and people who purchase the stream, so I'm guessing the idea for an outfit would be met with "Please look forward to it". the opportunity has come to spend your worth time with. I think it triggered some people when you word it like you may come back for a glamor piece. Michael Mendoza Come on... we all know glamour is the true endgame.
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Blade and Soul SEA/OCEAniC server
Learn how to play ur class then sf is op. Yeah hope so i was easily killed by mobs same as my KFM dude suicide squad. Is the warlock event one coming back anytime? Or any event costumes? It sucks when you miss an event and can't get/buy the costumes you want :( That's why people are using mods.... I want to buy my costumes but I can't because they are not in the store! This sucks.
How can u obtain the night luna outfit? They said its in the daily dash but theres nothing there. Blade & Soul Gold :x so what are we going to get once the story is over after July 20th?? Well it's the end of act 4 story. We are still missing more of the story. Korea still has a few more Acts left. I forget how many. Master account? Means?? Ajarin dong senpai 😆.. bantuin cri bahan up wep mat biar enak hunt hihi.
Frankly... I put it on only once and that was for the last time. Cut out all the crying on the Forum You kiddies need to grow some. Khairil Arifin nah lakasi mpe lv 50 biar dpt costumenya.Buy Blade and Soul Gold I heard their servers are pretty quiet. Only a matter of time? SEA/OCEAniC server please! the ping is so terrible ,.. So, no chance to get it for us new comers?
Dw the costume sucks anyway. There's way better ones that drop from dungeons, I agree, The costume is not that great and 15 days is plenty of time in my opinion. You can finish the story line withing few days. And as Andrew said, it not the best costume. The Infinite challenge (from dreadtide) is my personal favorite. Am at lvl 17, so am gonna go at it, I try to collect stuff. I do not get mail account verification. So back to not being able to play what is going on.
How can u obtain the night luna outfit? They said its in the daily dash but theres nothing there. Blade & Soul Gold :x so what are we going to get once the story is over after July 20th?? Well it's the end of act 4 story. We are still missing more of the story. Korea still has a few more Acts left. I forget how many. Master account? Means?? Ajarin dong senpai 😆.. bantuin cri bahan up wep mat biar enak hunt hihi.
Frankly... I put it on only once and that was for the last time. Cut out all the crying on the Forum You kiddies need to grow some. Khairil Arifin nah lakasi mpe lv 50 biar dpt costumenya.Buy Blade and Soul Gold I heard their servers are pretty quiet. Only a matter of time? SEA/OCEAniC server please! the ping is so terrible ,.. So, no chance to get it for us new comers?
Dw the costume sucks anyway. There's way better ones that drop from dungeons, I agree, The costume is not that great and 15 days is plenty of time in my opinion. You can finish the story line withing few days. And as Andrew said, it not the best costume. The Infinite challenge (from dreadtide) is my personal favorite. Am at lvl 17, so am gonna go at it, I try to collect stuff. I do not get mail account verification. So back to not being able to play what is going on.