New char slot would be nice. it would be no skin off your back so AND that should serve to keep some of those players you've been boasting about. Jaesung said, that Warlock is flashy, it has the best animations and the coolest looks, but thats about it. just wana clarify since ur support doesnt give a straight answer.. can we use programs like WTFast to help with our ping since you guys dont seem to want to do anything about it to the players who are having shitty pings..
Warlock's soon? Huh. I wonder if I should actually look into this class...honestly, I just want Soul Fighter. soul fighter was just released on korean server like 3 months ago Blade and Soul Gold .. i dont think we are getting it soon. Lonnie warlock is considered an old class cause its been released since 2014 e,e makes sense we get it now. You do realize Blade and Soul came out practically...5 years ago, right? Meaning it took Korea 3 years to get Warlock. We're getting it in close to a month after release. I'm not saying I want Soul Fighter next week, but in a month or two is highly plausible.
SF already released in TW yesterday so we might get SF in few months after WL. You make warlock .... again new... First step balance the fcking unbalanced characters and pvp system.... after you can make new character LOL. NCSOFT logic confrimed like an idiots.
Oh that's great grin emoticon I'm sure WL will be my main but I'm not
sure if I'll like BM FM that much cheap Blade & Soul Gold than making a second warlock but let's
see how it goes grin emoticon or I might just buy extra slots. New
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blade and soul launching game
The problem is when i try to get into the game, the ping jumps to 900+. The crazy thing is when I minimize the game, the ping descend to 12-30 as it should be. the change comes every time i restore the game window, get a mother fucking lag in 10 seconds and minimize again, restoring the 12+30 ms ping.
You're not the only one with that problem Blade and Soul Gold ami also jumps to the lagger I have ping 50 ms and up to 200 ms. in starfall crater server i can't log in hour or two i had massive its all dead.
I'm stuck at the launcher. It's says Launching Game and that's it Buy Blade and Soul Gold , nothing else happens. I even left it for some time yet it's still the same. I wonder what's wrong with NA server. 4 hours ago when I was in combat, it doesn't have delay. Now each time I wanna attack, there's delays.
There's nothing wrong with my connection or ping. Servers had a problem and everyone was forced to relog (iirc there was a message). after that the delay + lag started.
Skill locked and can't do anything until combat ends... Do a restart of clients please to hopefully fix this mess that has occured. Question: why i cant get verification to my Email ive been waiting for like 8hrs now. i've check all the folders in my email accoun but no there was no verification code.
You're not the only one with that problem Blade and Soul Gold ami also jumps to the lagger I have ping 50 ms and up to 200 ms. in starfall crater server i can't log in hour or two i had massive its all dead.
I'm stuck at the launcher. It's says Launching Game and that's it Buy Blade and Soul Gold , nothing else happens. I even left it for some time yet it's still the same. I wonder what's wrong with NA server. 4 hours ago when I was in combat, it doesn't have delay. Now each time I wanna attack, there's delays.
There's nothing wrong with my connection or ping. Servers had a problem and everyone was forced to relog (iirc there was a message). after that the delay + lag started.
Skill locked and can't do anything until combat ends... Do a restart of clients please to hopefully fix this mess that has occured. Question: why i cant get verification to my Email ive been waiting for like 8hrs now. i've check all the folders in my email accoun but no there was no verification code.
Blade and Soul armor and weapons
So I just charged 100 dollars to my card so I could get Ncoins. grin emoticon so I could buy yer new fashion for my Smexy Assasin and some of the Materials I needed to upgrade my armor and weapons. So the transaction went through and the money was taken from my account, but when I went to log in to use it at the game store. It shows the old amount of 203 ncoins. I go to my Account on the website and the money's not there. But I pull up my bank information and you guys made a transfer Buy Blade and Soul Gold .....So either my bank is lieing to me or ya'll have more problems than just what yer saying.
Now I'm gonna go call my bank and have them refund this stuff....I really want to like yer game and play it. I'm almost lvl 45 and I love the game mechanics but if yer money problems persist I'll just have to enjoy the F2P aspects without the Premium Perks.
Guys is anyone else having a problem with the market place mine says temp unavailable. i have tried relogging and reinstalling game but not working never has. the game is awesome heart emoticon however after the last maintenance, the game became too laggy and I get disconnected from time to time... before the latest maintenance the game was running so smooth even if my connection is crappy lol.. now i cant do x server dungeons, because I can't throw any skills or my character suddenly dies BNS Gold.
So I've been doing some research on rather can we be looking forward to BnS hitting consoles, an I know NCSoft does have a partnership with sony but has there been any other confirmation of NCSoft games hitting console anytime soon?
Now I'm gonna go call my bank and have them refund this stuff....I really want to like yer game and play it. I'm almost lvl 45 and I love the game mechanics but if yer money problems persist I'll just have to enjoy the F2P aspects without the Premium Perks.
Guys is anyone else having a problem with the market place mine says temp unavailable. i have tried relogging and reinstalling game but not working never has. the game is awesome heart emoticon however after the last maintenance, the game became too laggy and I get disconnected from time to time... before the latest maintenance the game was running so smooth even if my connection is crappy lol.. now i cant do x server dungeons, because I can't throw any skills or my character suddenly dies BNS Gold.
So I've been doing some research on rather can we be looking forward to BnS hitting consoles, an I know NCSoft does have a partnership with sony but has there been any other confirmation of NCSoft games hitting console anytime soon?