Note to all the clowns who call any player THE BEST OF ALL TIME . .
Except Pele said he is afraid of Mia Hamm... Not on world legends on the offline mode That dummy he performed FIFA 16 coins for sale on the keeper is still one of the best things ever. He played in a time when defenders were incompetent. Then giveaway a card or do something you tards. He played in brazil and the mls,the only major thing he won was the world cup.
Ronaldo is an exception because he carries the Portugal team,where messi should have a world cup already because Argentina's world cup squads he's been in have been strong but he doesn't perform in big international games. Yes Gabriel only,maradona played in Europe and was successful pele was scared to play in europ.
Who else do you know won a World Cup at 17 ??? ..... Best player the world will ever see.. Funny how whenever Santos Travelled to Europe they trashed every single team... At that time you didn't need to go to Europe because clearly.. the best players weren't just there FIFA 16 coins .. Brazil won three world cups with most of the players playing in Brazil! Research before you make a fool out of yourself. Same way Germany won 3 world cups with pretty much all their players playing in Germany.
And fyi the best players were in Europe bar a few.. E.g. Cruyff,Müller,Beckenbauer,Maradona,Best,Charlton, etc Pele was only so great because everyone else was so bad. Yup, his preference on who is the best football player right now is as arbitrary as hogward points.
Cosmos club in the 70s, his trip to Kolkata that we still remember, he's a legend. Pele is the best of his generation and that's still up for debate. He's in the top ten of all time but the best... No way!!!! We will be saying this about Messi in 50 years. Everyone complaining about how pele hasnt won anything individually, but he did more, he helped a country win. by 17 PELE was a WORLD CHAMPION!! there is a reson why he is known as "THE KING".
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Alex and the same EX dungeons
1 piece of gear per week? 2 new dungeons for... worse gear? Sounds like 2.1 with a higher level cap. Please change this extension of a game into an actual expansion. it's S.O.P for the raids when they are first released so no shock there and it won't be "worse gear" for many players. It will be under ilv200 which is what the standard currently is. What do you need more then i200 for? i don't think more alexander is coming just yet. And I HIGHLY doubt anybody bitching here has Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold done Savage Alex, so quit your bitching. Been clearing A4S for the last month thank you, the content you have not done yet does not excuse the company for not releasing *new* content. Release a new expansion the same year as they release an expansion.... ^ this guy's logic.
i200 is the standard for Cheap GW2 Gold what is currently the very-end game, which is by no means where everyone is. The new gear will help new players/characters (or people leveling new classes) get there a bit more gradually without feeling they need to spam Alex and the same EX dungeons all day. Try to appreciate the new content to experience instead of just going "MUH END GAME." FFXI content was on point idk why this has taken such an almost lazy approach with this game.
CoP was probably the best expansion I have ever experienced. The lv40 mammet fights were crazy. Lol I wasn't even playing at the start of ARR and even I know the raids had only 1 drop a week in the beginning. Did you expect that to just change in HW or something? Also. The dungeons I'm sure drop better gear than neverreap and fractal but of course they don't drop higher than a raid. That's kinda dumb to even think. And not everyone is clearing A4S. Some people aren't even level 60 yet. Lol.. You also don't need ilvl 200 and up for A4S and you won't for the new raids either. Stop rushing and just enjoy the game for now. I think they just need to reconstruct how they do progression a little bit. Like this 24m should have been out with 3.0 to begin with and should be used as it's own tier and savage should be a lot harder.</pre>
i200 is the standard for Cheap GW2 Gold what is currently the very-end game, which is by no means where everyone is. The new gear will help new players/characters (or people leveling new classes) get there a bit more gradually without feeling they need to spam Alex and the same EX dungeons all day. Try to appreciate the new content to experience instead of just going "MUH END GAME." FFXI content was on point idk why this has taken such an almost lazy approach with this game.
CoP was probably the best expansion I have ever experienced. The lv40 mammet fights were crazy. Lol I wasn't even playing at the start of ARR and even I know the raids had only 1 drop a week in the beginning. Did you expect that to just change in HW or something? Also. The dungeons I'm sure drop better gear than neverreap and fractal but of course they don't drop higher than a raid. That's kinda dumb to even think. And not everyone is clearing A4S. Some people aren't even level 60 yet. Lol.. You also don't need ilvl 200 and up for A4S and you won't for the new raids either. Stop rushing and just enjoy the game for now. I think they just need to reconstruct how they do progression a little bit. Like this 24m should have been out with 3.0 to begin with and should be used as it's own tier and savage should be a lot harder.</pre>